Spring Semester Starts!

UC Fencing Club is starting out with a spark in this week of Spring Semester 2014!

This past Sunday, Jan. 26, the first fencing practice was held at the Hawley Armory (found in between the Budds Building and Oak Hall). Current members, along with a few newer members, got back into the swing of fencing at 1 PM. After warming up for a small portion of the practice time, fencers went to their own respective strips (based on weapons) and practiced with various other members until 3 PM.

Just as productive was the Spring Involvement Fair. Held on Wednesday, Jan. 29th, the UCFC was well represented thanks to the many members who were willing to stop by (even sporting fencing gear!) and give everyone a dose of the club as they passed by in the Ballroom at the Student Union. During the 2-7 PM time frame, at least 35 students signed up to get information about the club! An email should be sent out to the new, interested people within a week or so with information pertaining to the club, practices and events.

As of now, the only practice slot we hold at the Armory is on Sundays from 1 to 3 PM. More practice times are being requested on behalf of the club, and will be known in a few business days.

***This upcoming Sunday, February 2nd, there will be a fencing practice for RETURNING MEMBERS only.

~To remain updated on the club, please check this blog for news and changes, and/or like UCFC’s Facebook page! Images, videos, important updates and so on can be found here. If you are interested in watching what we can do, check us out on our YouTube Channel (many videos are typically added after tournaments and competitions)! We have currently signed up for one tournament this semester and are looking for more opportunities to compete in the future; for participation, the club will gauge fencers’ interest in the near future. For new or non-competitive fencers, we strongly encourage you to travel with the club to these competitions (even if you are not participating) and see what exactly the experiences are like, as well as watch competitors in pools and DEs. This is not only helpful for the fencers who want to build upon their current skill level, but also prepare members for the competition experience.

~The club does provide members with access to fencing equipment; however, if you have access to your own equipment, you can bring it to practice. No prior experience is needed in order to join- quite a few club members have a long fencing past while many others just started learning through joining this club. Just plan on wearing workout clothes/shoes to the practices for maximum comfort.

~Our practice times will be listed on the left side of our blog (and will be updated when other times become available). All upcoming events (including practices) will be listed on the right side of our blog.

~If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can contact the club by email: uconnfencing@gmail.com, or by messaging us on our Facebook page.