Sabre Fencing

A fully-equipped sabre fencer.

A fully-equipped sabre fencer.

Sabre fencing, also spelled “saber,” utilizes a lighter, more flexible blade than foil or épée fencing.

This type of weapon resembles a cavalry sabre and is used in the same slashing manner. Unlike foil and épée, points can be scored not only with the tip of the blade, but also with the edge.

The target area for sabre fencing includes everything above the waist, with the exception of the hands. Striking anything outside of the target area does not result in an off-target light, as it does in foil, and the action does not stop.

Scoring in sabre is also governed by “right of way” rules similar to those used in foil fencing, but with subtle differences.

Like foil, the fencer who attacks first is given priority if both fencers hit on target, but both sabre rules and timing allow for much less hesitation in an attack.

Because this style of fencing is much more strict about hesitation in attacks, sabre is a fast, aggressive sport. Fencers will usually rush their opponent from the instant the referee instructs them to fence, and defense is much more difficult than in foil or épée.

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